Saturday, June 11, 2011

Weiner? Come On People

I turned on my television set the other day and all I could see all day long was a crotch shot of some mayor from New York state all over every channel. Apparently, this numbskull was trying to send some legislation to the news and accidentally sent a picture of a man's crotch instaed igniting a storm of controversy the likes of which we haven't seen since since FDR or perhaps before. How can anybody be so dumb? It reminds me of that time, Tim that I sent you that roll of film that I thought was full of pictures of Oklahoma bird life but was actually from Dondra's and I's honeymoon in El Paso. You still haven't mailed that back by the way and we're pushing a decade.

As we all know polititians are no strangers to the occasional sex scandal but what makes this case different is that this Weiner character claimed that he didn't send the picture to the news and then said that he did then said that he didn't know if he sent the pictures. Are we supposed to belive this? Maybe the more important question is is do we really want people with such horrible memories governing our people, for the people by the people? I think Weiner should do some memory exercises every day for a month and then the reporters should come back and asks him if he knows if he sent the pictures then. If he still can't remember, impeach him. Get him out!

Also troubling was that a blue bird website was somehow involved and if you couldn't already tell I have the highest respect for birds. They are beasts that are able to fly and they deserve our respect. Nay, COMMAND our respect. The Wright brothers knew this. And you can damn well bet that they never took pictures of there crotches. Except maybe as a gag. I guess what I'm getting at is that we are a society of people that love the strange and bazaar and spectacle of everyday politics and that when you combine photos of crotches, bluebirds, televisions, and Mayors you are bound to drum up some viewership. Call me old fashioned though but I'd much rather see coverage of more meaningful things on the news such as the latest wicker trends than all this saucy trash I can't escape now. If you've never seen a wickerworksman in action you really haven't live.

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